About Us
What is Star Dental Crown®?
Star Dental Crown® is the first ever Artificial Tooth Brand in INDIA and is dedicated to fabricating high quality Crowns and Bridges. Now we are introducing Star Dental Crown® directly to patients through our registered Dental centres. We specialized in Porcelain fused to metal, All Ceramic or All Porcelain and Zirconia Dental Crown and Bridges
Established in 2008, Star Dental Crown® have been responsible for providing not only outstanding dental restorations, but exceptional service to doctors and their patients. Our speedy service ensures a quick turnaround time and expedient hand-delivery to dental offices.
Because we are Specialize in Dental Crowns and Bridges, our products are made of the finest precious metals, alloys and porcelains at a price that patients can smile about. Our qualified dental technicians take pride in their work, and it shows. Try us out and see the difference in quality, customer service and value that can be found nowhere else.

Now we are introducing our brand to the open market i.e. directly to the patients with fixed price all over India. Star Dental Crown® is innovative and future oriented. Our aim is to provide a comprehensive range of restorations and high quality crowns and exceptional service. Following our constant investment in new technology and materials, we are able to meet all the demands of the modern dental practice.
We know that our clients have many choices in Dental crowns and we strive to deliver the very best restoration every time!
Find Your Nearest
Star Dental Crown Registered Dental Centre
Our Products

Regular PFM Crown (Porcelain Fused To Metal)
Single crowns, short span bridges,White Metal Base,Premium porcelain layered,Economical...
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Nobel PFM Crown (Porcelain Fused To Metal)
Using the finest dental Ceramics from leading Dental companies.
Using Layering techniques...
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Elite PFM (Porcelain Fused To Metal)
Natural anatomy.
Precision milled with cad /cam technology for a precise fit and exceptional marginal integrity...
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Zirconia Metal Crown
Posterior bridges (up to 5 units, MUST send study cast for evaluation)
Posterior single crowns over implants. Posterior bridges over implants...
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Nobel Zirconia (Porcelain Fused To Zirconia) Crown
With the strength of zirconia and esthetics of porcelain our Zirconia restorations have been...
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Elite Zirconia (Porcelain Fused To Zirconia) Crown
UAnterior & bicuspid crowns,Anterior & bicuspid bridges (up to 6 units), UPosterior...
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Full Porcelain Crowns
Anterior/bicuspid single crowns & bonded veneers (can be used for posterior crowns...
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Stainless steel crowns are prefabricated crowns that are used on permanent teeth...
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Status of Dental Crown & Implants in India:.
In India approximately 90% of patients are dependent on the reliability and choice of the Doctor, as there is no specific parameter set for the crowns and are mostly based on the judgement of the Doctor. Apart from this the Artificial Crown/Cap which are available in the market are out of reach of common man because of the cost factor. There is a lack of ownership and responsibility in the case of such a non branded product as these are of generic make and not manufactured by any particular firm/person and thus in case of failure there is no loss of reliability or fame for the manufacturer thus resulting in no direct effect on the business model.

Need of Star Dental Crown®
Right now market is working in a unorganised way and patients are forced to pay for a product that is not at all reliable and patients have to use products based on reliability of doctor. There is no specific parameter followed by doctors, even for the products which is so crucial for maintaining proper oral healthcare. A general thinking among the people is that going to dentists is a vicious circle. Star Dental Crown aims to break that jinx and bring confidence in the people that if they approach a dentist they would get their value for money and the right treatment. They want To Create awareness among masses (on branded STAR DENTAL CROWN Artificial teeth/Crown/Cap) and help them understand how Crown also known as cap is as important as other parts of the body and it adds to enhancement of person personality. As well as supports in better oral condition.

The Star Dental Crown® advantage
Real Problems, Real Solutions, Real Results with Star Dental Crown®
- Star Dental Crown ® is the leading dental laboratory network. to provide patients with a service that is both countrywide and overseas.
- As a highly developed dental laboratory we offer a complete range of Crown & Bridge services designed to make your life easier.
- Our procedures and technology are constantly reviewed and updated to ensure that we remain at the forefront of the dental industry.
- We strive to form long lasting partnerships with our clients and value the strengths of those relationships which we have built.
- Feel free to explore our website for more details on all the services and products

Our Quality Systems
We passionately believe in the need to inform patients of the real quality choices available to them. Sadly, many patients are unaware of the variation in quality across the dental market and many others have experienced poor restorations in the past. We regard it our duty to educate patients about the differences a high quality Star Dental Crown® can make to their aesthetic and clinical results.
Our restorations are made in house at our Laboratory by our team of highly specialized technicians backed up by a admin team.
Star Dental Crown® represents an ideal balance between researched innovative technology and traditional craftsmanship. Porcelain Fused To Metal.
we believe there will always be a need for metal ceramics because of their exceptional masking properties and their favorable wear characteristics, typically used in destructive occlusal scenarios.